Thursday, November 29, 2007

as i said this is the only way i can save my photos...



Wednesday, November 28, 2007

time passed by so fast...well i tot i hav to clear my server n came across some interesting i'll share it everyone...

me and chingsze during our spares

me and jodie

one of the bad formal photo that mrs. O took

afta watching the ring..

my hongkee friends

jump and be free

look at the joy in our faces! so adorable! look at sue yean(nex to me)haha! sandra looks alittle like donald duck! yey! such a HILARIOUS photo

my fantabulous ladies! luv them heapz!

well i hav lots more to post up..well the main reason i post them up is to cos its the only way i cant store my photos, n i cbb to register a photobucket..hehe..
but looking at the old photos let me realized how great my life had been! all the things that i have done, all the love from my family and friends, all the blessings and joy filled changed me! these pictures could only capture the happy moments of our lives, the darkest moments might not be in our photos collection, but they are always will be in our mind. But i thank God i could always find peace and love from You.though the toughest time is here, but i still can stand still and keep smiling with a hope that tomorrow will be a better day. with the joy that i was blessed,that carried me through when i'm stuck in the deepest hole. sometimes we are being distracted by so many other worldly things, which are placed in front of us. Covering the great love that God has always ready for us, all we need to do is just accept it. His love touched mine, and no one will replace it! thank u Jesus for being my best friend!

here's a video to look at...well...i cried 3 times after i've seen this


OMG!! IM SO SCREWED! i hav so many thousand things to do, but i hav so little time!!
well i hav tonnes of time but i just lack of the Spirit to do all these things!!

maybe i shud stop blogging n do wat i hav to do...

omg he promised to let us move our stuff into our new rooms 1st, but he's saying another thing right now!!
wat kind of Head IS he?
wat happened to working together n trust?
wat happened to helping changing this place to a better place?
wat happened to support?

well thanks to u, there will be no future!

Stand up n Be Strong! I CAN DO THIS!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

i praise u Jesus!

I praise you for loving me every single day.
I praise you for keeping me safe every single day
I praise you for showing your love to the people around me
I praise you for being such an awesome God, and being the one and only who has the GREAtest love that no-one could give other than you.
I praise you for bringing the stars of the sky closer to me every night as i looked up to you.
I praise you for carrying me through my toughest times of the year.
I praise you for being my GOD!


Thursday, October 11, 2007


This is jus awesome.
Well I got this blog is totally to stalk and to spy on others.

A new anointing will be happening to our lives!!
A NEW anointing promised, a new start for all of us, a great start.
With excellent great miracles that will fulfilled,
With a child-like faith, trust fully onto the Lord, then all these things will be rewarded..

Today is such a special day..firstly I did not wake up at my normal time, I slept in till 7.15, and it was pouring rain from the Lord, to quench our thirst, all the rain had washed away all the dust that clog up on our eyes that’s blocking our vision…WOW

It’s a new start!!